Pure Beeswax Candles & Products


100% Pure beeswax candles - Using Only the Highest Quality Ingredients

Our Beeswax candles and products are made with beeswax from our own hives and the hives of West Country beekeepers dotted across the beautiful countryside where the combination of grass meadows, fruit farms, rolling pastureland and oodles of fresh air help produce our unique high quality beeswax.

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Rolled Candles

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Hand Dipped Candles

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Poured Candles

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Aromatherapy Candles & Wax Melts

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General beeswax products

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Candle Accessories





Why Beeswax?

Natures natural beauty perfected over timeā€¦

Beeswax is natures gift to us, and with careful farming and respect for our bees and their apiaries, we can harvest their beeswax along side the honey. Beeswax has to be produced by the bees in order for them to make their comb, so with careful management we can use this amazing product. Long before the arrival of chemicals and synthetic materials developed for modern day living there are records of beeswax being used for medicinal purposes, batik art, cave paintings, enbalming and of course beeswax candles through the ages. There are so many more uses, and today in the 21st century beeswax can be found in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, varnishes and polishes and beyond. As we make our journey with Beeswax Alchemy we will be exploring many of the historic uses of beeswax and bring them forward into the 21st century - it is fair to say that our products are not our invention, but inspired by the bees and our wish to revive the use of beeswax as an important and environmental product that can be used and appreciated by all.

100% Raw, Coarse Filtered Honey from our Own Beehives